What We Stand For – Brussels Beer Project


There are some things we do well. Others we do badly.

Download our sustainability report

We're not a brewery, we're a project. From day one, we've been inviting our community to "join the playgroung". This "playground" is not just about trying new tastes, but also about stepping out of our comfort zone and trying out new ideas that make sense.

One such idea is the famous "Babylon". In 2015, we started brewing the very first beer made from unsold bread. Since then, we've been proud to see numerous initiatives brewing with bread in Belgium, the UK, France and elsewhere.

Our circular economy star has been followed by a host of other initiatives. These include Tough Cookie brewed with broken speculoos from the Dandoy cookie factory, Slow Mo brewed with local, organic beet and pear, and Yeti Bang, made with apples harvested from the gardens of Belgian private individuals!

Our actions are regularly recognized, notably in early 2024 with our nomination for the ChangeMakers Award, highlighting 30 companies that can have a strong impact between now and 2030. But the best recognition came in 2022, when we became B Corp certified.

That's no reason to stop trying, and in the meantime, we strive to be a responsible brewery, making every effort to become a sustainable brewery.

what we do well

From clean energy to the circular economy, we're always trying to find new ways to improve every day, without taking shortcuts with quality. We're increasingly turning to local farmers and manufacturers, developing long-term partnerships with Belgian & European suppliers to source our ingredients.

Local regenerative agriculture, reduction of our total carbon footprint, the complete cessation of our distribution outside Europe...

Download our sustainability report and find out what we’ve been working on

what we do wrong

Let's be clear: we emit too much CO2. For the second year running, we've launched a full carbon footprint, including the company's entire environment (direct emissions, indirect energy-related emissions and all other indirect emissions).

here is the 2024 result

It's time to act. Every year, we continue to reduce our total carbon footprint by 10% by focusing on our gas and electricity consumption, the production process and the development of local raw material sourcing.

It's a humbling, fun, frustrating and imperfect journey. The only one that makes sense.

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